
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
مرحبا بك عزيزى الزائر المرجو منك أن تعرف بنفسك
وتدخل المنتدى معنا ان لم يكن لديك حساب بعد
نتشرف بدعوتك لأنشائة

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
مرحبا بك عزيزى الزائر المرجو منك أن تعرف بنفسك
وتدخل المنتدى معنا ان لم يكن لديك حساب بعد
نتشرف بدعوتك لأنشائة
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةالرئيسية  البوابةالبوابة  أحدث الصورأحدث الصور  التسجيلالتسجيل  دخولدخول  صحف ومجلات خليجية  البوابة 2  
HAJJ: Merits and Precepts-Definition of the Terms used in Connection with Hajj-4 09K99441


 HAJJ: Merits and Precepts-Definition of the Terms used in Connection with Hajj-4

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
Mohammed Ali
عضو الماسي
عضو الماسي

HAJJ: Merits and Precepts-Definition of the Terms used in Connection with Hajj-4 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: HAJJ: Merits and Precepts-Definition of the Terms used in Connection with Hajj-4   HAJJ: Merits and Precepts-Definition of the Terms used in Connection with Hajj-4 Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء أكتوبر 12, 2010 6:55 am

Masjid-e-Khandaq. There are some Mosques constructed on the place where, at the time of the battle of Ahzab, the ditch was dug. One of the Mosques is called Masjid-e-Ahzab and Masjid-e-Fath. Here, the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) prayed to Allah and Allah granted the prayer ; the Muslims were victorious. Around this mosque there are several other mosques attributed to the names of the Companions of the Holy Prophet.

Masjid-e-Qiblatain. It is mosque on the hillock near the valley of Aqiq in the North West of Medina. It has two arches, one towards Bait-ul-Maqdis and the other towards the Ka'ba, For, this is the mosque where the event of the change of Qibla occurred and that is why it is called Masjid-e-Qiblatain.

Masjid-e-Bani-Zafar. It is also called Masjid-e-Baghla. It is situated towards the East of Jannat-ul-Baqi'. The tribe of Bani Zafar used to live here. Once the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) honoured this place with his presence and at his desire, one of his Companions recited Sura-e-Nisa to him. Near the Mosque there is a hoof-mark of the mule of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) and that is why it is also called Masjid-ul-Baghla.

Masjid-ul-Ijaba. This mosque is in the northern side of Jannat-ul-Baqi'. The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) had prayed here.

Mash'ar-e-Haram. It is a mosque in Muzdalifa but a hill of Muzdalifa, Jabal-e-Quzah by name is also called Mash'ar-e- Haram.

Mas'a. The place for performing Sa'r (running between Safa and Marwah.)

Mauqif. The place for having a stay. It means the place of stay in the open field of 'Arafat or in Muzdalifa.

Mizab-e-Rahmat. The water-outleft of the roof of Ka'ba falling in Hatim. One should pray to Allah while standing beneath it as the invocations offered here are accorded approval.

Qiran. To Perform Umra and Hajj successively after wearing Ihram collectively for Hajj and Umra both.

Qarin. One who performs Qiran.

Qarn. It is a hill at a distance of about forty two miles from Mecca. It is the Miqat for those coming from Najd-e-Yemen, Najd-e-Hijaz and Najd-e-Tihama.

Qasr. To have your hair cut or to cut them yourself in order to be out of Ihram.

Rukn-e-Iraqi. The north eastern corner of Baitullah towards Iraq.

Rukn-e-Yamani. The south western corner of Baitullah towards Yemen.

Rukn-e-Shami. The north western corner of Baitullah towards Syria.

Ramal. To walk a bit fast in the first three rounds of Tawaf with steps close to each other shaking shoulders struttingly.

Rami. To throw pebbles on Jamarat.

Sa'i. To have seven rounds in a defined mode between Safa and Marwa.

Shaut. We complete seven circuits around Baitullah. Every circuit is called Shaut. At the time of Sa'i between Safa and Marwa the round made from Safa to Marwa is also known as shout. Similarly the back round from Marwa to Safa is the 2nd Shaut and so on upto the seventh Shaut.

Safa. A hill near Ka'ba towards the south werefrom the Sa'i takes a start.

Tamattu'. To observe 'Umra in the months of Hajj in the first instance and then to perform Hajj in the same year with the Ihram of Hajj.

Takbir. To proclaim Allah-o-Akbar.

Talbiyya. To proclaim Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik.......etc.

Tahlil. To proclaim La Ilaha Illallah.

Tan'im. It is a place where, at the time of their stay at Mecca, people wear Ihram for Umra. It is at a distance of 3 miles from Mecca and is the nearest place from the precincts of Haram. Here is a Mosque named Masjid-e-Aisha.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
HAJJ: Merits and Precepts-Definition of the Terms used in Connection with Hajj-4
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» HAJJ: Merits and Precepts-Definition of the Terms used in Connection with Hajj-5
» HAJJ: Merits and Precepts- Before The Start Of Hajj Journey-1
» HAJJ: Merits and Precepts-Definition of the Terms used in Connection with Hajj-2
»  HAJJ: Merits and Precepts-Definition of the Terms used in Connection with Hajj-3
» HAJJ: Merits and Precepts-Hajj Is One Of the Fundamentals Of Islam-1

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